by John Murphy of the Banished Nation Guild
So when I started playing this game, I used to jot down notes for myself, just noticed the page is full LOL....Most of these are probably well known by now, but if it helps someone I guess the 5 minutes to type will be well spent. These are just a few tips to keep in mind while playing...
1. When first starting out make sure your blacksmith limit is not set too high, save your logs and iron
2. When in need of a laborer or 2, use your traders, your trade ports will still be functional, youll need to place the traders back if you need to stock up after a transaction
3. You do not need to click the thumb tack picture to pin a progress box, just move the box (Skyestorme)
4. Keep extra food stored in your trade port, will come in handy for those times when your food drops rapidly
5. If your teacher is close to dying of old age, be sure to have a laborer ready, if the teacher dies with no one to take their place, all the students will be sent into the world uneducated (kind of like the real world)
6. Save before removing orchards and crops, sometimes it causes the land to become uneven and not allowing you to replace
7. Change Village name to easily identify save spots
8. When possible send all your higher priced food (Venison, Beef, eggs, etc ) to the trade port, have the merchants send cheap food, and then auto purchase all Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Herbs) you will increase 2 or 3 to 1 each shipment
9. A lot of debate here...Stones and Iron, Trade or Produce?....I like to trade on Large maps, but for small maps the mines and quarries are essential at the beginning. (just not enough on the map)
10. When desperate for something, make sure you request only that item from the trader, they will more then likely bring it. Instead of asking for Wood, Stone, Iron etc etc...Just click Iron (if that is what you need)
Great tips from John Murphy.